Marlin Marina PanoramaFreshwater Valley PanoramaSecond Beach PanoramaGreen Island PanoramaFull List of Panoramas
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500m above Munroe Martin Park/Sheridan Street200m above Grafton/Shields200m above Sheridan/Aplin200m above Abbott/Shields200m above Abbott/Florence200m above Marlin Marina200m above Sheridan/Spence
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YOU are above the Pier Marketplace Shopping Centre and the Marlin Marina. The Marina is the jumping off point for OCEAN SPIRIT, BIG CAT and QUICKSILVER reef cruises, all of which are linked here. Just click on the blue flashing star. Ticketing and booking offices are inside the Pier. Cruises go to Green Island, Fitzroy Island, Michaelmas Cay, Upolo Cay and other destinations on the Great Barrier Reef. Specialist fishing and diving tours can also be booked at CAIRNS REEF CHARTER SERVICES. The Pier Marketplace is the Premier destination for shopping, with over 80 specialty shops, including COUNTRY ROAD, ESPRIT, HATS BY THE 100, JAG, AUSTRALIAN GEOGRAPHIC, PARAGON, RICCI’S SHOES, MAN OVERBOARD, THE PIER GALLERY, MANIFEST MENSWEAR, OROTON, PURELY AUSTRALIAN CLOTHING Co., SHARK ATTACK, SHED 6- POLO RALPH LAUREN, JABIRU and so many more as well as the restaurants. WHILE THE PANORAMA IS LOADING (usually about a minute) take a look at the photo below. This is the way lazy afternoons were meant to be, sailing back from the reef to spend the night moored off one of our tropical islands. The temperature is 27° C, the sky is clear with a 2 knot wind and the beer is cold.

(If you don't see a panorama in the frame to the right then you will need to download the imove plugin)


How To Make it Go: Put the cursor in the bottom right corner of the panorama, then click & hold the mouse, the panorama should move. You can drag the mouse around to change direction
To pan around click and hold, while moving the mouse
Zooming: Hold down the ctrl key and mouse button, move the mouse up or down to zoom in or out.
Hotspots: double click on hotspots to go to the location (some hotspots may not be links)

MAY 2001 * Convention Centre * Rafting * Palm Cove * Airshow * The Esplanade * Freshwater Valley * Second Beach *